
Exit Junction Ads Videos

Make money online with Exit Junction. Exit Junction is relatively new and, I believe the spin from the now defunct revenue pilot. While the income of the pilot stopped, however, exit Junction will be stronger and stronger. Exit Junction offers a unique approach to advertising that is compatible with all other networks included ads Google Adsense. Key to Exit site is that they focus on showing ads to users as they leave your site and not to the extent of their income or how they look. This approach offers an additional way to monetize traffic, and capture the ad revenue from those that stumble upon your site from search engines, and then immediately leave.
By adding a small snippet of code Exit Junction in the header section of the site users with ads as they hit the back button. For example, if a user came to your site to search Google, and then immediately hit the back button to return to the search, they will appear to Exit Junction ads in between your pages, and Google Search, and you get paid for that impression. The announcement, based on the search terms that led visitors to your site in the first place. Therefore, exit Junction is the ideal way of complimenting the existing special services and so increase your income sites without the need to switch from the current ad provider.

Output connections to cover all countries. You pay for all traffic exiting your site, regardless of its origin.

They offer free fee payment by check or PayPal with earnings of only $ 25 a month.